For us, sustainability is not a buzzword but a lived reality. Instead of just talking about it, we are continuously working to improve our production process, from bulb to flower and everything in between, in order to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. We work every day to comply with the latest certifications and environmental standards, and always invest in ideas and initiatives of our team, our partners and the people around us that make our work and our immediate environment a better, more beautiful and sustainable place. This is simply part of our DNA.
For us, sustainability is not a buzzword but a lived reality. Instead of just talking about it, we are continuously working to improve our production process, from bulb to flower and everything in between, in order to make it as environmentally friendly as possible. We work every day to comply with the latest certifications and environmental standards, and always invest in ideas and initiatives of our team, our partners and the people around us that make our work and our immediate environment a better, more beautiful and sustainable place. This is simply part of our DNA.

Sustainability, quality & safety
Global G.A.P.
As a company, we are Global G.A.P. certified. This means we comply with the Global G.A.P. criteria for worker occupational health and safety, environmental care and quality.

Minimum environmental impact
We are also the proud owner of the MPS-A certificate. This means that we minimise environmental impact at our production locations.

Risk assessment on social practice
The GLOBAL G.A.P Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) is mainly based on document checks intended to assess social risks in primary production.
‘We are doers with a curious mind. We follow sustainable developments within our sector and beyond. New knowledge and technological innovations are used within our company, if necessary customised in line with our specific requirements. With a common-sense approach and with a view to the future of our planet.’
Joost Wesselman
Bee more biodiverse
Beehives have been placed at the rear of our projection locations. This small contribution is a big deal for biodiversity in the Netherlands. We are all happy to do our part to help the environment. Read more about our bees here
Sustainable trade
As part of the collective, we are affiliated with the Platform Duurzame Handel. This platform aims to achieve 100% certification of flower bulbs and perennials by 2024. Wesselman Flowers is currently collaborating with certified growers as much as possible.
Circular water use
Water purification
Our tulips are forced in water in a closed production process, without the use of pesticides. All the water used in the process is filtered and recycled to reduce waste to a minimum.